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當前位置:網(wǎng)站首頁產(chǎn)品展示進口類系列檢測產(chǎn)品美國NDT James > 美國NDT James C-CL-3000混凝土氯離子含量測定儀
美國NDT James C-CL-3000混凝土氯離子含量測定儀

美國NDT James C-CL-3000混凝土氯離子含量測定儀

簡要描述:名 稱:美國NDT James C-CL-3000 Chlorimeter混凝土氯離子含量測定儀
型 號:C-CL-3000 Chlorimeter
廠 家:美國NDT James
用 途:在工地現(xiàn)場,能在幾分鐘內(nèi)快

更新時間: 2024-09-10

所屬分類:美國NDT James




[美國NDT James C-CL-3000 Chlorimeter混凝土氯離子含量測定儀]

 名    稱:美國NDT James C-CL-3000 Chlorimeter混凝土氯離子含量測定儀
 型    號:C-CL-3000 Chlorimeter
 廠    家:美國NDT James
 用    途:在工地現(xiàn)場,能在幾分鐘內(nèi)快



美國NDT James  C-CL-3000 Chlorimeter混凝土氯離子含量測定儀

The Chlorimeter Chloride Test System

A field kit for the determination of chloride ion content in concrete, fresh cement, masonry, most other construction materials, and water.



Service life prediction

Corrosion analysis


Features & Benefits

Fast - Results within minutes at the site.

Economical - Low cost per sample compared to laboratory testing.

Accurate - Results are comparable to laboratory testing.

Covers wide range from 0.002% to 2% chloride by weight

Internal Memory to store readings for later upload to a PC  via USB.

Digital display for direct reading of percentage of chloride by weight.

Conforms to AASHTO-T- 260.

Menu in English and Spanish.


The Chlorimeter produces results on-site, within minutes that are accurate and comparable to expensive laboratory tests. It measures the electrochemical reaction of a weighted sample placed in an extraction liquid. It automatically shows a temperature compensated reading of percent of chlorides on its digital display. A wide range - from 0.002 to 2% chloride by weight - is covered.



The determination of the chloride ion concentration in concrete is essential in assessing the need for maintenance on, for example, bridge decks and parking structures. The test can also be used to ensure that materials used in new construction are free from potentially harmful chloride ion levels.


With this method, the concentration of acid soluble chlorides is measured. In most cases, this is equivalent to total chloride concentration.


A sample of powder is obtained by drilling and careful quartering. Then an accuray weighed 3 gr. (0.1 oz) sample is dissolved in 20 ml (0.67 fl. oz.) of extraction liquid which consists of a precise, measured concentration of acid. For sampling wet concrete a 3 gr. (0.1 oz.) sample of mortar (i.e. without coarse aggregate) is used.  Typically for concrete, samples that are to be analyzed for chloride are obtained at various depths, thereby supplying the engineer with a chloride ion profile.


The chloride ions react with the acid of the extraction liquid in an electrochemical reaction. An electrode, with integral temperature sensor, is inserted into the liquid and the electrochemical reaction measured.



A uniquely designed instrument converts the voltage generated by the chloride concentration and sensor into a reading for the user. The instrument automatically applies the temperature correction and it shows the chloride concentration on a LCD display percentage by weight.  The unit uses 4 'AA' batteries for power.  The Chlorimeter can also store test results and upload them to PC via USB.



Once the sample is obtained, test results can be determined and read in less than five minutes.  These initial values give a valuable indicator of the current chloride concentration values.  Accurate results are typically obtained after the sample has been in the extraction liquid for 24 hours.


To avoid contamination, the electrode should be thoroughly washed with de-ionized water after each test.


Replacement packs, containing twelve bottles of extraction liquid, each for one time use, are available. Five calibration liquids each with known concentrations are supplied with each pack.  Bulk packs of one hundred extraction liquids are also available for larger testing jobs.


Thecalibration liquids are used to establish the calibration curve, and to check that the system is functioning correctly. Calibration is not required for each use. The calibration liquids are colored to avoid confusion between them and with the extraction liquid.


All equipment necessary to complete the chloride test is supplied in a standard size carrying case.



C-CL 3700

Chloride combination electrode with externally mounted temperature sensor, cable, and connectors.

C-CL 3020

Battery powered, high impedance, electronic meter, with temperature compensation circuits and microprocessor for direct conversion to percentage of chloride.  Uses four 'AA" size batteries.

C-CL 2012

Optional pack of 12 jars each with 20 ml (0.67 fl. oz.) of extraction liquid and 5 jars of colored calibration liquid.

C-CL 1030

Bottle of electrode wetting agent.

C-CL 2096

Optional bulk pack of 100 jars extraction liquid and 20 jars of colored calibration liquid.


美國NDT James  C-CL-2000 Chlorimeter混凝土氯離子含量測定儀



特 性 :

『 在工地現(xiàn)場,能在幾分鐘內(nèi)快速測得混凝土的含氯量。

『 與試驗室分析相比,費用低廉。

『 與試驗室試驗相比,結(jié)果準確。

『 環(huán)境溫度變化時,儀器具有自動補償功能。

『 含氯量以百分比和 ppm 表示,可直接讀數(shù)。


工作原理 :

『 混凝土內(nèi)含氯量十分重要,橋面及停車場等混凝土內(nèi)的含氯量的評估尤為關(guān)鍵,因為這直接關(guān)系到確定該構(gòu)筑物是否需要維護及確定其維護范圍的大小?;炷羶?nèi)增添新材料時也能對其含氯量進行分析,從而避免混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)受到過高含氯量的損害。

用這種方法可以測出混凝土內(nèi)酸溶性氯化物的含量,其單位為重量百分比和 ppm 濃度。在大多數(shù)情況下,上述數(shù)值與總含氯量是相當?shù)摹!?在混凝土構(gòu)筑物上,用鉆孔法取樣,將鉆出的 3 克混凝土粉溶入 20 毫升的酸性萃取液內(nèi),萃取液的濃度是經(jīng)過精確標定的?;炷林械穆入x子與萃取液中的酸發(fā)生電化學(xué)反應(yīng)。

『 將一個帶溫度傳感器的電極,插入上述萃取液中,對電化學(xué)反應(yīng)進行測量,經(jīng)特殊設(shè)計的儀器能把氯化物反應(yīng)所產(chǎn)生的電壓經(jīng)溫度修正后轉(zhuǎn)換為含氯量的濃度,直接在液晶顯示器上顯示。

『 一旦獲取混凝土粉樣品,用該儀器在幾分鐘之內(nèi)即可得到準確結(jié)果。

『 為避免污物影響測量精度,每次測試前應(yīng)用蒸餾水對電極加以*清洗。

『 儀器帶有一盒萃取液,內(nèi)裝 12 瓶,每次測試用一瓶。盒內(nèi)還有兩瓶校準液,每瓶校準液的濃度已預(yù)先標定,其用途是使操作者能校準儀器的精度。為避免在使用中發(fā)生混淆,校準液有兩種顏色,一瓶是紅色的,一瓶是藍色的。

『 所有與含氯量有關(guān)的東西都裝在一個手提箱內(nèi),攜帶十分方便。


C-CL-2000 混凝土含氯量測定儀由下述部分組成:

C-CL-3700 帶有溫度補償傳感器的氯化物測量電極

C-CL-2020 由電池供電用來直接顯示氯的百分含量的帶有溫度補償電路和微處理器的高阻抗讀數(shù)器

C-CL-2012 備件盒。內(nèi)有塑料瓶裝萃取液 12 瓶,每瓶 20ml ,盒內(nèi)還有 5 瓶有顏色的校準液

C-CL-1030 電極浸潤劑瓶



以上是美國NDT James  C-CL-3000 Chlorimeter混凝土氯離子含量測定儀的詳細信息,如果您對美國NDT James  C-CL-3000 Chlorimeter混凝土氯離子含量測定儀價格、廠家、品牌、型號、圖片、規(guī)范、規(guī)格、原理有疑問,或需要詳細報價單、宣傳冊、中英文產(chǎn)品說明書,請點擊我公司


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關(guān)鍵詞 :氯離子含量快速測定儀/氯離子含量測定儀/氯離子含量測試儀/混凝土氯離子含量測定儀/混凝土氯離子含量快速測定儀


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